Early Childhood Education and Quarantine: What You Need To Know

online preschool in miami

These are unprecedented times in Miami, across the country, and all over the world. For the first time in our lives, young children are spending day-after-day at home in quarantine. That does not mean that early childhood education has to suffer!

Learn what you can do to ensure toddlers receive the best possible education and adequately prepare for kindergarten while at home.

The Importance Of Pre-K, Online and In-Person

Times are changing. Years ago, children arrived in kindergarten with relatively little education. Now, it is standard for children to be able to recite the alphabet, recognize basic shapes and colors, count to 20, read and write their names, be able to rhyme and learn new rhymes, arrange objects by color, shape, and size, and write their parents’ names and phone number(s).

Online preschool in Miami can prepare children to do these things, even under quarantine. Staff and teachers design programs to teach the basics, as well as skills like cooperation, independence, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Incorporating The Arts In The Day-To-Day

When enrolling your child in online preschool in Miami understand that the basics may not be enough. In addition to letters, numbers, and colors, the arts can provide tremendous benefits to young kids, even toddlers.

“Creating art may boost young children’s ability to analyze and problem-solve in myriad ways,” author Mary Ann F. Kohl tells Parents.com.

Online music and online art classes for toddlers help youngsters by:

  • Improving fine motor skills. Kids learn fine motor skills in visual arts schools in Miami by learning to hold a pencil, pencil drawing, and using colored pencils. Other activities, like using a paintbrush, drawing with charcoal, or coloring with markers all help children work on motor skills. Similarly, schools and remote learning programs that encompass all the arts–including music and performance as well–only develop fine motor skills further. Activities like dancing can boost these skills, while helping children grasp concepts and practices like rhythm, balance, and coordination too.
  • Introducing scientific concepts. Online preschools in Miami with art classes begin to introduce basic scientific principles. Kids work and experiment with a variety of different materials, teaching them the beginnings of science.
  • Challenging kids to apply basic math. Art requires kids to use basic math skills, like counting and putting things in order. Plus, “a study of three- to four-year-olds learning to play piano scored significantly higher on spatial-temporal reasoning tests compared to those with no music instruction,” according to Art and Music Center. Spatial-temporal reasoning teaches and reinforces logic, problem-solving, and abstract thinking, all skills that ultimately come in handy during math and physics.
  • Encouraging healthy brain development. Listening to music, playing music, and learning how to read music stimulates brain development. Music is responsible for stimulating parts of the brain that nurture emotional maturity and academic brain power.
  • Promoting academic achievement. Online art classes for kids improve grades. Studies show that young children in art classes are ultimately four times more likely to receive awards for academic achievement, three times more likely to receive attendance awards, four times more likely to take part in science fairs, and three times more likely to run and win class offices, like class president or class vice president.

During quarantine, online preschool in Miami is practically a must! Early childhood education provides the necessary foundation for kids to enroll in elementary school. Schools with arts also help give children a leg up in the world. These children are more likely to achieve academic success, more likely to flourish in math and science, and more likely to master fine motor skills at a young age.