The Mastery Program is a unique experience given to our students. It assigns specific learning periods devoted to allowing students to explore an area of interest. Lessons learned in mastery programs transfer to all other areas of learning. When you learn and master any new skill, you reinforce and enhance the connections you already have.
Junior Mastery
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade
In Grades 3 through 5, special emphasis is placed on individual interests, skills, and talents, and how to apply them to everyday learning and growth. Grades 3 through 5 Junior Mastery groups meet for one hour twice a week in multi-level groups. This yearly commitment to a mastery allows students to develop discipline, the ability to think outside the box, collaboration, problem solving skills, creativity and pride in personal accomplishments.
See Programs >Senior Mastery
6th, 7th and 8th Grade
Grades 6 through 8 Senior Mastery groups are intensive. Students make a three-year commitment to an area. Mastery groups meet for one hour daily and allow students to widen their horizons and learning abilities. All students are required to write an essay about why they want to be a part of their first choice mastery. Returning Students: If you were in mastery last year you should also answer the questions: What did I learn in mastery? and What can I contribute to mastery this year?
See Programs >