Competitive Sports
The CEA after-school athletic programs include inter- and intra-mural sports teams, including basketball, cross-country, flag football, soccer, track and field, t-ball, and volleyball. Team sports are for boys and girls and are try-out based.
Developmental Sports
CEA offers Developmental Sports programs for K4 through 8th grade, which provide students the opportunity to further develop and improve their skills and knowledge of a particular sport, without requiring a try-out. Developmental Sports allow students to participate in a sport with the specific purpose of developing basic fundamentals, building confidence, and enjoying and partaking in the experience of collaboration and teamwork.
To register your child for a sport, please be sure to complete the registration form PDF next to the sport of choice and return it via email to Mr. Adrian Izquierdo. Payment should be submitted via the school’s payment portal and select sports.
In order for any child to participate in a sports program, we must have a completed Sports Waiver and Medical Release. This form must be completed and signed by your child’s physician, and signed by the parent. Students will not be allowed to play or practice for a sport unless we have this waiver and release on file in the main office. A copy of this form is attached.
If you have any questions, please direct them to our Athletic Director, Coach Carlos Salvat.

Early Childhood Sports
K4 & K5 (Pre-Primary)
In K4 and K5 (Pre-Primary), students learn to love sports through an introduction to the rules and necessary skills needed to successfully play a team sport. Teams are developmental and compete against themselves, trying to instill a sense of confidence, develop each player’s emerging abilities and establish a sense of community through the team.
See Schedules >
Lower School Sports
Grades 1-4
In Lower School (1st – 4th grade), students continue to develop their love and dedication to sports through a variety of sports options, spread out throughout the school year to ensure students have the opportunity to try a variety of sports. Lower School offer both developmental and competitive team sports, further enhancing the concepts of teamwork, discipline and good sportsmanship.
See Schedules >
Upper School Sports
Grades 5-8
In Upper School (5th – 8th grade), students further develop their athletics capabilities as they increase the rigor of their training in an age- and developmentally- appropriate way and continue to hone their skills and abilities in their sports of choice. Upper School offers both developmental and competitive team sports, which are spread out throughout the school year to ensure students have the opportunity to try a variety of sports. Increasing emphasis is placed on enhancing the concepts of teamwork, discipline and good sportsmanship.
See Schedules >