Spanish Dance Department Represents Spain at Spanish Education Department Conference

On Monday, September 26th, the Spanish dance department was invited to be the official representatives of Spanish culture at the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain ‘s Spanish Educators’ Conference, held at Florida International University. Thank you to the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain for the invitation to represent Spanish culture at your professional development conference, “Spanish Culture and Methodological Application in the Classroom.” It was an honor and a pleasure for us to showcase the various discipline of Spanish dance as part of this program!

Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a la Agregaduría de Educación de la Embajada de España por su invitación a representar la cultura de España y la danza española en su conferencia de desarrollo profesional para maestros de español. El tema fue Cultura Española y Aplicaciones Metodológicas en Aulas de Primaria y Secundaria. Fue un honor y un placer poder mostrar la riqueza de la danza española y compartir piezas de Escuela Bolera, folklore gallego, y flamenco con vosotros.