Grades 5 – 8
Max. size: 32.0 B
We feel that it is vital for students attending our Academy and their parents to understand and be in agreement with our philosophy.
Our Philosophy
We believe in the strength of a well-rounded education. We believe the arts stimulate self-awareness, creativity, self-confidence, communication and thinking skills, and energize all other areas of the curriculum. We believe a strong and demanding academic foundation provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in life. We believe the development of a strong, healthy body, mind, and spirit is an essential component in a child's education. We believe in technology working for man, not man working for technology. We believe in the power of character. Discipline, respect, and empathy must be an integral part of a child's education. We believe in the sacred partnership between the home and the school.
Max. size: 32.0 B
Max. size: 32.0 B
Max. size: 32.0 B